New: 3D Education Rooms
NAKAM'S GALLERY: A refugee's story 2021
Inspired by Nakam the artist, and Theo the human rights worker, we step into their shoes in this 3D meeting room.
We learn what it means to be a professional supporting displaced and marginalised people in transitioning to their new homes.
Produced by Reality Learning for the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.
Contact us for more information on 3D learning environments.
E: director@realitylearning.org
VR documentary film for advocacy
Night Becomes Day View 3D version in VR headset.
Inspired by Theo, a local human rights worker, Sohail joins other refugees, artist Nakam and war-injured Ali, to migrate from the camp to create a new form of citizenship not previously imagined.
Through cinematic VR, we intimately share their journey from night to day.
Somewhere in the world, one person is forcibly displaced every two minutes and by 2100, 100 million people are predicted to be displaced by climate change alone, (UNCHR, 2018).
This is how it feels. This is what we could do to make it better.
View and become immersed within the 3D, 180 film.
Using headsets the viewer’s experience is one of “intimacy” and “being there”
There is flexibility to reach all audiences with option of screening in 2D.
Our Team

Sohail Haqyar – Teenage computer nerd.

Nakam – Artist

Ali Al Zuwani – Sports fan and musician
Chasing the World. VR documentaries with communities in Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Peru, Brazil, Morocco.
Cannes Film Festival review by Screen Anarchy as "impressive... both remarkable cinematography, and a subtly moving story."
Appease the Gods. Volumetric VR experience. Winner Google XR Jam.
Yawarani. VR with Indigenous creators. Support Google, OutsideTV, Adventure Film Festival.
Presented Cannes Film Festival immersive storytelling panel.
Previously director and curriculum director for many Australian film schools, Ian is currently establishing an international media school with University of Higher Education.
A forerunner in visual communication design in online environments, Judith developed 'Reality Learning Interactives' enhancing viewer immersion and interaction with film narratives.
Since 2019 Judith has furthered this by working with VR developers on short films.
Previously, writer, director, producer of broadcast documentaries. SBS, ABC, Channel 4.
Awarded by Australian Interactive Media Industry; LearnX; Yeoman International Award; Women in Technology; Queensland Government; and national and international Film festivals.
Her global work in this area inspired the making of this VR film.
Previously Kit was President and Ambassador for World Federation of Occupational Therapists.
Theo is committed to all people having human rights in their everyday life.
Representing the needs of both refugees and those working with them, Theo embraces the challenge of creating meaningful and new lives for those that have been shattered by war, disasters, climate and persecution through actions that we can all follow, actions based on respect, equality and inclusion.
Intertwining observation, collaboration and storytelling, Alice has created films with different cultural and community groups, including Mother & Baby home survivors, Muslim feminists, LGBTI activists, asylum seekers and the Traveller community.
Photo Gallery
3D Education Rooms
Education Packages
Sohail – A story of a refugee
Schools: Years 5-12
A complete teacher’s study guide with 3D and 2D streaming of Night Becomes Day plus additional video from the people in the film.
Students experience life as a teenage refugee: arriving in the camps, meeting other refugees & human rights workers, family, school, play and future dreams.
The story of Sohail is a universal story of refugees. He is around 16 years old and travelled with his mother and three younger siblings from Afghanistan to Greece.
Immerse using 3D VR headsets or glasses with mobile phones; or view as regular video on desktop, screens and other devices.
All resources available through the Education Shop, ATOM (Australia Teachers of Media)
Working with displaced persons
Higher Education
This eLearning course applies in-depth resources emanating from Night Becomes Day and is designed specifically for occupational therapists but is applicable for other health disciplines.
By stepping into the shoes of refugees and therapists working with them, participants learn to realign their professional practice to work with displaced persons within the humanitarian sector.
More information and go to course.
Contact Us
Please subscribe and reach out for screenings, advocacy partnerships, distribution.
We look forward to talking with you about any VR and film projects you may be wanting to develop.
Reality Learning
E: director@realitylearning.org
P: +61 0410475733